We have left the fireworks and champagne of New Year’s eve behind us, and the change of year signifies a time to make new year’s resolutions for the coming 12 months.
Together with millions of other people we set goals, but the problem with ‘new year, new you’ is, well, you’re still yourself, only a little more miserable because you spent the first weeks of the year on a detox. Every year, some (or all) resolutions tend to fall by the wayside.
The key to a successful New Year’s resolution is making it a) worth the bother and b) achievable. So skip the unachievable goals and try these "mini resolutions" instead. We’ve got a few ideas for you to consider.
1. Try a different cycling discipline
Life would be boring if everything were the same all the time. So why not mixing things up, whether you’re a road cyclist trying out the trails or a mountain biker taking on the asphalt.
Mountain bikers will see serious fitness gains from putting in road kilometers and hill training, while road cyclists will improve their bike handling skills while riding uneven terrain and corners.
And why stop there, when you can try some BMX, dabble in gravel or check out cyclocross? There’s a wide range of options!
Mountain bikers will see serious fitness gains from putting in road kilometers and hill training, while road cyclists will improve their bike handling skills while riding uneven terrain and corners.
And why stop there, when you can try some BMX, dabble in gravel or check out cyclocross? There’s a wide range of options!

2. Max out your mileage (and stop staring at that little box)
Did it seem like you were too busy with other things this past year to get in as much cycling kilometers as you wished? Work, friends and family commitments may take up the majority of your time but with a little bit of planning we are confident you can find the time for more riding this coming year. And a very simple resolution that will guarantee more riding time: cut your phone time!
We were fascinated (and shocked..) to find that the average amount of daily screen time is around 3 hours. And yes, we plead guilty as well.. What about reducing that time, and translate those additional hours into more cycling time?
3. Try bike commuting
Ok, it’s not appropriate for everyone, but commuting is a great way to get (or stay) fit, save money and help the environment. So why not try it? Schedule for example one day a week to leave your car at home!
4. Introduce someone else to cycling
Share your passion for cycling with family or friends who are unfamiliar with the sport! You already know the benefits of cycling, and why wouldn’t you want to share that with your acquaintances? Remember when you started riding how helpful it was to receive explanation from an experienced person. Be that person for someone else and at best you could end up with a new cycling buddy and they could end up discovering a new passion!
5. Treat yourself
More than ever, it’s easy to fixate on how our weekend didn’t start with climbing the alps or that we didn’t get that brand new bike as a birthday present, especially when the rest of the world seems to do and have it all. Combat your fixations with a ‘treat to me’ and kick-start your feeling today and everyday!
Did you reach one of your goals? Your rode a certain distance? You went for a mtb ride for the first time? Well, this is the perfect moment to treat yourself with for example a coffeestop during your ride, a new cycling outfit or a massage after your ride, and experience your own love declaration.